What does a scarab tattoo mean? - BRONC TATTOO SUPPLY

What does a scarab tattoo mean?

What does a scarab tattoo mean?

The scarab beetle is a symbol of rebirth, transformation, and protection in many cultures around the world. It has been a popular motif in art, jewelry, and tattoo designs for centuries. In this article, we'll explore the meaning of a scarab tattoo and its significance in different cultures and traditions.


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Origins of the scarab beetle symbol

The scarab beetle was revered by the ancient Egyptians as a symbol of the sun, resurrection, and eternal life. They believed that the beetle, which lays its eggs in dung balls that it rolls along the ground, represented the sun god Khepri, who rolled the sun across the sky every day. The scarab beetle was also associated with the god Ra, who was believed to have created the world from his own body.

In ancient Egyptian art, the scarab beetle was often depicted as a sacred amulet or talisman, which was placed on the mummified body of the deceased to protect them in the afterlife. The beetle was also associated with the heart, which was believed to be the seat of the soul, and was often depicted with wings and a sun disk on its back.

Meaning of a scarab tattoo

A scarab tattoo can have different meanings depending on the culture, design, and placement. Here are some common interpretations of a scarab tattoo:

- Rebirth and transformation: A scarab tattoo can symbolize the cycle of life, death, and rebirth, as represented by the beetle's life cycle of laying eggs, hatching larvae, and emerging as adults. It can also signify personal transformation, growth, and change, as the beetle sheds its skin and transforms into a new form.

- Protection and good luck: A scarab tattoo can be a symbol of protection and good luck, as the beetle was believed to ward off evil spirits and negative energies. It can also serve as a reminder to stay grounded, humble, and connected to nature, as the beetle lives close to the earth and feeds on dung.

- Connection to ancient Egypt: A scarab tattoo can be a tribute to the rich cultural heritage and mythology of ancient Egypt, and a way to connect with its symbolism and spirituality. It can also be a nod to the popular motif of scarabs in Egyptian art, jewelry, and hieroglyphics.

Designs and styles of scarab tattoos

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A scarab tattoo can be designed in many different styles and colors, depending on the individual's preference and the artist's skill. Here are some popular designs and styles of scarab tattoos:

- Realistic scarab: A scarab tattoo can be designed to look realistic, with intricate details of the beetle's body, legs, and wings. It can be shaded or colored in earthy tones to give a sense of depth and texture.

- Geometric scarab: A scarab tattoo can be designed in a geometric or tribal style, with bold lines, shapes, and patterns. It can be placed on the wrist, forearm, or shoulder to accentuate the angles and curves of the body.

- Watercolor scarab: A scarab tattoo can be designed in a watercolor or painterly style, with soft and fluid strokes of color. It can be placed on the back, chest, or thigh to create a large and colorful composition.


A scarab tattoo is a meaningful and timeless symbol of rebirth, transformation, and protection, with roots in ancient Egyptian mythology and culture. It can serve as a personal reminder of one's own journey of growth and change, and a tribute to the rich history and artistry of the scarab beetle. If you're considering getting a scarab tattoo, be sure to research the design, placement, and artist carefully, and choose a style that resonates with your own values and beliefs.

Cultural significance of scarab tattoos

Scarab tattoos are not limited to Egyptian culture. The beetle has also been a symbol of good fortune, protection, and transformation in other cultures around the world. For example, in ancient Greece, the scarab beetle was associated with the goddess Aphrodite and was believed to bring good luck to those who wore it. In Native American culture, the scarab beetle is seen as a guide through the process of transformation and is revered for its ability to survive through adversity.

In contemporary Western culture, scarab tattoos have become increasingly popular as a way to express one's connection to nature, spirituality, and personal growth. Many people choose to get a scarab tattoo as a reminder of their own journey of transformation, whether it be recovering from addiction, healing from trauma, or simply evolving as a person.

Some people also use scarab tattoos to pay tribute to their heritage and ancestry. For example, people of Egyptian descent may choose to get a scarab tattoo to honor their roots and connect with their cultural identity. Similarly, people of Greek or Native American descent may choose to get a scarab tattoo as a way to honor their heritage and connect with their ancestral traditions.

Tips for getting a scarab tattoo

If you're considering getting a scarab tattoo, here are some tips to keep in mind:

1. Choose a design that resonates with you. There are many different styles and variations of scarab tattoos, so take your time to find a design that speaks to your own values and beliefs.

2. Research the artist and shop. Make sure you choose a reputable and experienced tattoo artist who has a portfolio of scarab tattoos that you admire. Check reviews and ratings online, and visit the shop in person to get a sense of the cleanliness and professionalism.

3. Consider the placement. Scarab tattoos can be placed on any part of the body, but some areas may be more painful or difficult to heal than others. Consider your pain tolerance and lifestyle when choosing the placement.

4. Prepare for aftercare. Getting a scarab tattoo involves a healing process that requires proper care and attention. Make sure you follow the aftercare instructions provided by your artist, and avoid exposing the tattoo to sunlight, water, or abrasive materials until it has fully healed.

In conclusion, a scarab tattoo can be a powerful and meaningful symbol of rebirth, transformation, and protection, with deep roots in ancient mythology and culture. Whether you choose to get a scarab tattoo as a tribute to your heritage, a reminder of your own journey of growth and change, or simply as a beautiful and timeless design, it can serve as a powerful reminder of the power of nature and the human spirit.

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